The most powerful
SCIENTIFIC acceleration infrastructure
- CoSci promotes decentralized, interdisciplinary science by uniting researchers, fostering collaboration, and challenging traditional norms to revolutionize scientific discovery.
- CoSci, as a data standard for decentralized science, advocates shared knowledge and collective intelligence, creating a trust framework that integrates diverse expertise to drive transformation and innovation.
- CoSci, supported by leading institutions and scientists, empowers truth-seekers to explore knowledge freely, revitalize science, and transform established systems.

A fairer academic portal that enhances scholars' reputations through multifaceted evaluation, while relying on a self-governing research community to address funding distribution and academic recognition

ArxPrint builds upon the foundation of Arxiv and makes full use of the decentralized, permanent storage as well as the unbiased and censorship-resistant features of the blockchain. It also offers an on-chain citation mechanism, a Chatboard system and token incentives etc. to promote academic information exchanges and the free dissemination of culture.

The decentralized academic reputation system allows scholars to earn reputation points and rewards based on contributions (citations) , paper valuations and peer review, mitigating the concentration of reputation and bias issues present in traditional systems. This system can more objectively and fairly evaluate researchers' work, motivating them to conduct high-quality research.